Connected Devices App on Android Implements Easy Sharing to Windows 10 Devices from Android Handsets
Yesterday, I told you about a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app, Connected Devices, that I had discovered that facilitated easy sharing of text, URLs, images, and other files across a local network between Windows 10 devices.
That story has been quite popular over the last 24 hours but lets add to that by checking out the Android version of Connected Devices that allows those of you who are on a compatible Android device to also share these same types of information from your Android to your Windows 10 systems running the Connected Devices UWP app.
I installed and tried out the app on the Samsung Galaxy S8 while connected to hotel Wi-fi and had a mixture of success and failure but am encouraged by these capabilities and am very much looking forward to getting back home late tonight and trying this out on my home network.
While it is not everything Microsoft plans for Windows Timeline to be when it becomes available later this year, it is a great local solution if you need to move data quickly between devices when your devices are on the same local network.
Check it out and let us know how it goes and expect a follow up from us once we use this when all of our devices are on the same reliable network.
The app has only been in the Google Play store for about two weeks so this is a new project and the developer is looking for your feedback.
But, wait...there's probably more so be sure to follow me on Twitter and Google+.
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